Wertin | Mesa Newborn Photographer | Beloved Studio AZ
As a Mesa newborn photographer, I have been hoping and praying for a natural light studio with more style and options close by somewhere in the East Valley, and it’s finally here! Beloved Studio AZ is conveniently located in central Mesa and is my favorite studio for newborn pictures. This studio has 6 different rooms/spaces to choose from, all expertly styled with that boho vibe.
This was the first session I’ve ever shot in their newest space, the nursery room. I love the neutral palette, the cute little couch that doesn’t eat up all the space, the crib, and the Moses basket. It’s the perfect space for a small family to cuddle in close and celebrate their newest addition.
Why a studio Instead of In Home?
This is such a good question and there are so many reasons to choose a studio over an in-home session. So many in fact, that I stopped offering in-home sessions because studio sessions are so preferable!
1. No Prep, Clean Up, or Decluttering
Even if your home is professionally styled and generally well organized, a space that is designed to live in is drastically different than a space designed for pictures.
Everything from the pictures on the walls (even/especially if they’re of your family) to the knick-knacks from your last family vacation on the shelf can be super distracting in pictures. Before I switched to studio-only newborn sessions I had to ask my clients to remove EVERYTHING from the walls of their homes and declutter every space that even just might end up in the background. That’s A LOT of work for anyone… but especially when you’ve got a new baby at home.
2. great light guaranteed
Again, even if your home has phenomenal natural light, there’s a difference when a room has been designed with maximizing that light for pictures in mind vs. just living in a bright space. The rooms are designed and furniture-oriented for the best places to be with the prettiest light.
While I used to move furniture around in homes to achieve the same result, it was also much more of a hassle as it usually means moving other things out of the way first and sometimes even having to clean mid-session the areas that were just exposed when things were moved (think under the couch). The furniture in our homes also tends to be bigger and bulkier than studio furniture, making it even more difficult to move around, if not impossible.
3. Convenient and Worry Free
Having a newborn at home is a stressful time for everyone. Everyone is struggling to find a new normal, learn the baby’s schedule, and sleep every spare moment. You don’t want to be getting your house photo-ready in the midst of that chaos.
Booking a studio means all you have to focus on is showing up.
4. super afforable
Studio spaces are amazingly affordable, starting at just $45/hour at Beloved Studio AZ. Even with my recommendation of a 2-hour rental* for your newborn session, that makes it just $90 for convenient, beautiful spaces that provide you with peace of mind.
*I find 2 hours gives us time to slow down and take lots of breaks if baby needs them (i.e. feedings, diaper changes, etc). Otherwise, we have to cut our time short to ensure we’re out before the next renter’s time starts.
The Wertin Family
This family and this session hold a special place in my heart because of the struggle that led to this moment.
This mama first reached out to me to help celebrate and document her daughter’s 1-year-old birthday. When we scheduled that session, we had no idea that mama wouldn’t be there due to complications with her pregnancy and she had to stay in the hospital for a few weeks. I can’t even imagine being away from my family, especially my little girl for such a huge milestone.
Their little guy came earthside 7 weeks early and spent some time in the NICU before finally being able to go home.
It was so special to help them celebrate finally being able to be together as a family. I also captured some of baby girl’s first steps which were just so cute!
I’d love to work with you! Click here to book your session with Maren Elizabeth Photography. Or contact me for more information about mesa newborn photography! To view more of my work and stay up to date, follow me on Instagram.