Utah Summer Family Pictures | Utah Family Photographer
When we visited Utah this summer I was ecstatic to work some Utah Summer Family Pictures into my schedule for my loyal Utah clientele.
Summer isn’t the most popular time of year for Family pictures in Arizona, but June in Utah was absolutely perfect for this session in this Alpine wildflower field.
I found this field just a few nights before this session, while driving to another location for a session. I almost slammed on my breaks I was so enchanted by all the wildflowers!
Immediately, I recommended it to this adorable family and they had the same reaction I did. So remember, if your photographer wants to take pictures in some random field on the side of the road… trust them and DO IT!
How Often do I Visit Utah?
I try to visit Utah at least twice a year. Usually once over the summer to serve all my family picture clients, and once in December, either for the Holidays or just before.
If you’re interested in staying up to date on my travel plans and get first dibs on available Utah session dates, plus so much more, sign up for my email list by filling out the form below.